100 South Murphy Avenue, Suite 200 Sunnyvale, CA
شماره مجوز: #02246354
(650) 397-6562
مشاوره رایگان
NO SBA Financing (too small). Priced for an all cash offer. Proof of funds and a conversation with broker are required before setting up a visit to the shop.
$99,000 for the building or rent from the owner at $1500 per month total with option to purchase later.
$175,000 for the business
all cash
minimum of $150K down, seller financing on the balance for qualified buyers
proof of funds required before setting up a visit to the shop.
NOTE: A 2022 buyer offered almost $300,000 and backed out due to the revenue decline in 2022. However, the 2023 pipeline is strong and a new owner can take advantage of the reduced price.
~$140,000 pipeline of orders received as of 3/25/23, estimated $100K net profit on pipeline since inventory and in-process parts are all included
All equipment
Smooth training and transition
In business since the 1970s
The two key customers have been customers since the owner acquired the business in 2009
Ideal Buyer & Due Diligence
The ideal buyer would have to verify and be comfortable with the following:
History and stability of the two key customers and pipeline of orders already received
Assess the opportunity with 3-4 other customers/past customers
Get a feel for the marketplace and potential for additional customers and growth
Be a hands-on owner operator and ideally hire 1-2 more employees over 6-12 months
Option to hire/promote a supervisor in 9-12 months enabling the owner to spend less than 10 hours per week focusing on finances, strategy, customer relations, marketing and business development
Relocation is possible, but may not be economical over a long distance or out of state
Reason for Sale
A past health issue within the owner’s family has resurfaced and requires the owner’s attention. This is the reason he has been limited to 20 hours per week since the beginning of this year. This listing is not expected to last long at this price. The value is in the pipeline and long-standing customers. The Seller could run through the pipeline himself and liquidate but does not want to leave the customers in a bind.
Current State of the Operation
Since the owner can only be there 20 hours per week, the sole employee has also been limited to 20 hrs per week since the owner is not comfortable with the employee in the shop by himself for safety reasons WIth 2 people working 20 hrs per week since the beginning of the year, they shipped roughly $40,000 in the first two months. Another $140,000+ of orders is on the books. A new owner coming in full-time alongside the current employee full-time could complete the backlog by the end of the summer. The owner estimates the net profit on the backlog to exceed $100,000 given all the materials have already been purchased.
The employee knows 95% of the operation and can do the bulk of the training during the transition and beyond. The owner will train the management side of the business. His availability will revolve around doctor’s appointments and personal responsibilities, but he is committed to being available for a new owner. A past employee helps out occasionally with some hours when he is available.
Facility & Equipment
The building is 2200 sf of shop space and 200 sf of office space, plus a shed in the back and more space in the lot. The building shares a parking lot with Maaco. The equipment is organized for operators to efficiently work multiple machines at the same time. The equipment is old, but reliable and produces great parts.
شماره فهرست:
فروخته شد
اطلاعات مالی:
درآمد ناخالص:
قیمت درج شده:
مجموع درآمد خالص تعدیل شده:
سال تاسیس:
مکان عمومی:
Hello World
کارگزاران کسب و کار انتخاب اول
اطلاعات موجود در اینجا از فروشنده دریافت شده است و قابل اعتماد است اما تضمین نمی شود. First Choice Business Brokers (FCBB)، برای ارائه جزئیات فوق به فروشنده متکی بوده و این اطلاعات را تأیید نکرده است. FCBB مسئولیتی در قبال اظهارات، پیش بینی ها یا اطلاعات ارائه شده توسط فروشنده ندارد و تضمین نمی کند. کاربر/خریدار تنها مسئول تأیید سود و عملیات تجاری فروشنده خواهد بود. با پذیرش این سند، خریدار/کاربر موافقت می کند که تمام اطلاعات مندرج در اینجا کاملاً محرمانه است و بدون مجوز کتبی قبلی به هیچ طرف دیگری فاش نخواهد شد. خریدار/کاربر تأیید میکند و میداند که FCBB تحقیق مستقلی درباره کسبوکار یا ارقام ذکر شده در اینجا انجام نداده است. هرگونه تغییر در اطلاعات فوق مستلزم تایید کتبی فروشنده و FCBB است. هرگونه تغییری که بدون تأیید FCBB و فروشنده در این سند ایجاد شود معتبر نیست.
اطلاعات این فهرست توسط فروشنده یا نماینده کسب و کار ذکر شده در بالا ارائه شده است. کارگزار کسب و کار First Choice هیچ سهمی در فروش این تجارت ندارد، هیچ یک از اطلاعات مربوط به کسب و کار را به طور مستقل تأیید نکرده است و هیچ مسئولیتی در قبال صحت یا کامل بودن آن بر عهده نمی گیرد.
قبل از پاسخ دادن به هر تبلیغی، شرایط استفاده، Broker Business Choice را بخوانید.
با کلیک بر روی دکمه، با شرایط استفاده و اطلاعیه حریم خصوصی کارگزاری First Choice موافقت می کنید
مشاهده سایر لیست های فروخته شده
با کلیک بر روی دکمه، با شرایط استفاده و اطلاعیه حریم خصوصی کارگزاری First Choice موافقت می کنید
مشاهده سایر لیست های فروخته شده
مکان: lasvegas
NO SBA Financing (too small). Priced for an all cash offer. Proof of funds and a conversation with broker are required before setting up a visit to the shop.
$99,000 for the building or rent from the owner at $1500 per month total with option to purchase later.
$175,000 for the business
all cash
minimum of $150K down, seller financing on the balance for qualified buyers
proof of funds required before setting up a visit to the shop.
NOTE: A 2022 buyer offered almost $300,000 and backed out due to the revenue decline in 2022. However, the 2023 pipeline is strong and a new owner can take advantage of the reduced price.
~$140,000 pipeline of orders received as of 3/25/23, estimated $100K net profit on pipeline since inventory and in-process parts are all included
All equipment
Smooth training and transition
In business since the 1970s
The two key customers have been customers since the owner acquired the business in 2009
Ideal Buyer & Due Diligence
The ideal buyer would have to verify and be comfortable with the following:
History and stability of the two key customers and pipeline of orders already received
Assess the opportunity with 3-4 other customers/past customers
Get a feel for the marketplace and potential for additional customers and growth
Be a hands-on owner operator and ideally hire 1-2 more employees over 6-12 months
Option to hire/promote a supervisor in 9-12 months enabling the owner to spend less than 10 hours per week focusing on finances, strategy, customer relations, marketing and business development
Relocation is possible, but may not be economical over a long distance or out of state
Reason for Sale
A past health issue within the owner’s family has resurfaced and requires the owner’s attention. This is the reason he has been limited to 20 hours per week since the beginning of this year. This listing is not expected to last long at this price. The value is in the pipeline and long-standing customers. The Seller could run through the pipeline himself and liquidate but does not want to leave the customers in a bind.
Current State of the Operation
Since the owner can only be there 20 hours per week, the sole employee has also been limited to 20 hrs per week since the owner is not comfortable with the employee in the shop by himself for safety reasons WIth 2 people working 20 hrs per week since the beginning of the year, they shipped roughly $40,000 in the first two months. Another $140,000+ of orders is on the books. A new owner coming in full-time alongside the current employee full-time could complete the backlog by the end of the summer. The owner estimates the net profit on the backlog to exceed $100,000 given all the materials have already been purchased.
The employee knows 95% of the operation and can do the bulk of the training during the transition and beyond. The owner will train the management side of the business. His availability will revolve around doctor’s appointments and personal responsibilities, but he is committed to being available for a new owner. A past employee helps out occasionally with some hours when he is available.
Facility & Equipment
The building is 2200 sf of shop space and 200 sf of office space, plus a shed in the back and more space in the lot. The building shares a parking lot with Maaco. The equipment is organized for operators to efficiently work multiple machines at the same time. The equipment is old, but reliable and produces great parts.
شماره فهرست:
محل کسب و کار
دفتر: (702) 368-2500 | سلول: (725) 233-3333
شماره مجوز: BS.0146004
اطلاعات مالی:
درآمد ناخالص
قیمت درج شده:
اطلاعات اجاره:
فوت مربع:
Footage مربع
مجموع اجاره:
انقضای اجاره نامه:
گزینه های اجاره:
گزینه ها
اطلاعات دارایی:
بهبود اجاره نامه:
FormatedLeasehold Improvements
اطلاعات تکمیلی:
کارمندان تمام وقت:
کارمندان تمام وقت
کارمندان پاره وقت:
دوره آموزش:
دوره آموزشی
دلیل فروش:
دلیل فروش
کارگزاران کسب و کار انتخاب اول
اطلاعات موجود در اینجا از فروشنده دریافت شده است و قابل اعتماد است اما تضمین نمی شود. First Choice Business Brokers (FCBB)، برای ارائه جزئیات فوق به فروشنده متکی بوده و این اطلاعات را تأیید نکرده است. FCBB مسئولیتی در قبال اظهارات، پیش بینی ها یا اطلاعات ارائه شده توسط فروشنده ندارد و تضمین نمی کند. کاربر/خریدار تنها مسئول تأیید سود و عملیات تجاری فروشنده خواهد بود. با پذیرش این سند، خریدار/کاربر موافقت می کند که تمام اطلاعات مندرج در اینجا کاملاً محرمانه است و بدون مجوز کتبی قبلی به هیچ طرف دیگری فاش نخواهد شد. خریدار/کاربر تأیید میکند و میداند که FCBB تحقیق مستقلی درباره کسبوکار یا ارقام ذکر شده در اینجا انجام نداده است. هرگونه تغییر در اطلاعات فوق مستلزم تایید کتبی فروشنده و FCBB است. هرگونه تغییری که بدون تأیید FCBB و فروشنده در این سند ایجاد شود معتبر نیست.
اطلاعات این فهرست توسط فروشنده یا نماینده کسب و کار ذکر شده در بالا ارائه شده است. کارگزار کسب و کار First Choice هیچ سهمی در فروش این تجارت ندارد، هیچ یک از اطلاعات مربوط به کسب و کار را به طور مستقل تأیید نکرده است و هیچ مسئولیتی در قبال صحت یا کامل بودن آن بر عهده نمی گیرد.
قبل از پاسخ دادن به هر تبلیغی، شرایط استفاده، Broker Business Choice را بخوانید.
شماره مجوز: #02246354
100 South Murphy Ave, Suite 200 Sunnyvale, California 94086
(650) 397-6562
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